The distance by road from the capital Dhaka to Patuakhali is 319 km. Patuakhali can be reached by land and water. The following are the basic information about the arrival of Patuakhali in these two ways:
Road: Patuakhali can be reached by bus from Gabtali and Sayedabad in Dhaka. One of the two routes is Dhaka-Mawa-Barisal-Patuakhali and the other is Dhaka-Aricha-Barisal-Patuakhali. The rent is between 450 to 600 rupees.
By river: Patuakhali can be reached from Dhaka at the most comfortable and low cost. The launch fare is Rs 100-150 for ordinary passengers and Rs 1,000 for cabin for luxury passengers.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS