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The well of Kuakata

পটুয়াখালী জেলার কলাপারা উপজেলায়।


কুয়াকাটা থেকে ভ্যানে বা পায়ে হেটে । 


One of the oldest wells, the well of Kuakata is situated in the starting point of Keranipara situated in Rakhaine Polli near a Buddhist temple near Kuakata sea beach. But its ancient form is not found as it is re-constructed again and again. It is said that Barmiz king occupied Arakan in 1784 and then the Rakahaine left their place and roamed in the Bay of Bengle by boat in search of a shelter. On the way they found an island named Rangabali on the band of the Bay of Bengal and took shelter on the island. As the salty water of the sea is not useable, they dug a well for fresh water. From then, the place is known as ‘Kuakata’.